Tuesday, November 11, 2008


There are a lot of users out there today that surf the internet to voice their opinion. This is called Blogging. The term BLOG came out of the original term weblog. It was later shortened in a play on words by Peter Melholz when he stated "We Blog" in a phrase. So what is blog and how do can you turn this to your creative and monetary advantage? A blog site is a forum where people go to voice their opinion, post photos and videos, and even let their creative juices flow.
There are over 61 million results when you type in the word Blog...What does that say to the new website business owner? The obvious thing it says is everyone has an opinion and they are more prone to share on the web then in person. A more important view to take is there are 61 million possible clients to purchase your product and share your website. Word of mouth is now and always has been a great way to advertise.
The bad part about blogging is the fact that it allows individual opinions to be posted live and in color for the entire internet community to view. So you want to try to follow the old adage about pleasing the world. Remember you can't please everyone so don't try. Try to view it as individual critiques. If most of the critiques are in favor of what you have to offer keep going in the direction your in. If the bloggs are critical about certain points, use this to tweak your website or product.
So how do you start a blog? There are a lot of sights out there dedicated to creating blogs. Google has a three step process to creating a blog. First you create an account then you name your blog and finally you choose a template. It is really as easy as one, two, three. If you are a program savvy individual you can also create your own templates. You can incorporate them into links and have various conversations occurring at the same time.. Think of this as an interactive guest book that will allow contacts to be made.
You can make blogging work for you by creating a forum people want to be a part of. Take a hobby and turn it into a forum for people to visit, for example scrap booking or writing. Both of these could be set up as a place to let the creative juices flow. Then you provide different services on the site and charge a fee. The fee should depend on the services. Marketing psychology tells you to make sure you do not make the number end in zero. For example if you think your service is worth $13.00 you should charge $12.95. The public subconsciously looks at this and thinks they are saving money.
Remember to plan the blog just like you would any other website. Make sure the KEYWORDS and TITLE work together with your search engine and that the site be fresh, creative and easy to maneuver. Blogging can be a fun and enterprising way to connect with the world.

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